Friday, January 31, 2020


Campan (fr. Campan) is a commune in France, located in the Hautes-Pyrénées department, Occitanie region.
The town name probably comes from the Campon tribe name, which Roman commander Valerius Messala defeated in 28 BC. near the Payolle town – 13 km from Campan.
They built the first church in the Campan Valley in the 1st century AD.
We know that between the 9th and 15th centuries the Campan inhabitants waged territorial civil wars with the Bigorre inhabitants, an area that represents a major part of the Upper Pyrenees department. Campan gained independence from Bigorre in 1429. The Campan consuls received the right to conduct an independent trial and criminals imprisonment from Gaston IV, Bigorre Count, in 1470. The Campanians also received the right to trade in their own city market, including livestock trade after almost a century, in 1582.

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