Thursday, January 30, 2020

Traps for food consumers. Attention, you are being manipulated!

Traps for food consumers. Attention, you are being manipulated!
Food production is a big business and, like any other business, it seeks to develop and increase the volume of its products. Growth in food production suggests that the consumer will spend more money on food, and therefore consume more food, that is, increase their portions. This is what my blog is about today.
Here are some of the newest ways in which the food industry convinces us to buy more.
Optimistic promises:
Let’s reflect on commercials related to food that we regularly see on television.
Adverts tend to show emotional life stories, where a man who has worked hard all day eats something hungrily; a photo montage of a party in which everyone is laughing and eating together; a husband and wife cooking an appetizing dinner together.
These commercials are permeated with happiness, pleasure, idyllic scenarios and, in every case, food. Advertising provokes positive emotions within us. The purpose of marketing this abundance of food is to link the process of eating in our subconscious mind, not with the concept of survival, but with the emotional aspect of our existence. In other words, they are trying to convince us that eating food is not a simple physical act necessary for the human body to function normally, but an opportunity, by consuming a large amount of different foods, to receive emotional pleasure and, thus, how to spend most of your free time. To celebrate the significant events in our life is, to welcome guests, and to eat, to spend time alone with your loved one. This is not speculation, but a well-known proven fact.

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