Thursday, January 30, 2020

All about avocados

All about avocados
Avocado is a fruit that can help restore health. Regular consumption of avocados can play an important role in the treatment of many diseases. This is what my blog is about today.
Best ways to eat avocados:
Daily avocado consumption is a great way to add vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and dietary fiber to your daily diet. Here are some ways to use avocado:
  1. Just eat it.
  2. Make your own avocado smoothie.
  3. Make an avocado paste and spread it on bread.
  4. Enjoy an avocado milkshake
  5. Try cold avocado soup.
  6. Make your sandwich healthy by adding a little avocado.
  7. Prepare an avocado salad.
  8. Eat it raw, seasoning it with crushed pepper and lemon juice.
  9. Replace mayonnaise with avocado oil.
  10. Replace the mashed potatoes with avocado puree and add some spices to it.
Note: always remember, do not heat or cook avocados. This can lead to the loss of antioxidants and other important nutrients that are sensitive to heat.
Color and appearance:
Avocados are “super foods” that contain many nutrients and provide many health benefits. The fruit is usually oval or pear-shaped. Avocado flesh is yellow in the middle and green near the skin. The peel is dark green.

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