Wednesday, July 13, 2022

News archives 12/07/2022 6
The most valuable in writing our term paper was the work of Vyacheslav Glazychev "Design as it is". In this book, much attention is paid to the process of the emergence of design. The author reveals the problems, principles and technologies of architectural and design design. Historical aspects in the formation of design are also important. The author pays much attention to comparing the Russian design system with the Western one.

The author also examined in detail the relationship of design with the economy, marketing and branding.

The book helps to understand the logic of the development of the profession of a designer, as well as to learn the features in the design that he is guided by when creating a new sample of commercial products.

No less important is the book "Fundamentals of Design" by L.M. Kuleva and S.M. Mikhailov. It is from her that we learn about the development of design as a separate area in design. Having studied it, we will learn about the main stylistic trends of different countries. The main categories and principles of design activity, the main features in design are considered. The material of the book is presented in an accessible form and consists of five chapters on the most important aspects in design. A whole chapter is devoted to the features of ergonomics, as the main area in design. An equally important role is played by the marketing analysis section in design. It is there that we learn about design in terms of promoting a product on the market, about the close relationship between design and marketing. The principles of design design are revealed as the main element in the promotion of goods on the market. Great importance is placed on creating a product that meets the requirements of society, which entails studying the market and creating a corporate identity.

Each theme in the book is presented with a number of illustrations of the works of the great masters.

The research method is the induction and synthesis of the material used in the study. Analysis of various information sources gives a specific concept of certain facts or statistical indicators.

The practical significance of the work

The materials of this study can serve as a brief information and orientation course on the basics of design. This work may be useful to the student as preparation for the seminar.

1. Historiography of the issue

Design is a complex art and design activity for the formation and transformation of the subject-spatial environment and at the same time is a product of this activity.

Design includes various types of activities and collects them on a single basis - to make the environment as comfortable and aesthetically pleasing for a person as possible.

Exploring this topic, the main information was extracted from various articles and statistics. Books, of which there are not many, only tell the basics of design and its history, not talking about specific situations in a particular country. After reviewing the literature on this topic and choosing the most suitable ones for ourselves, we chose several sources.

We have chosen several books as the basis of our work.

In the book "Design as it is" by Doctor of Arts VL Glazychev, a lot is said about the formation and history of design. After reading this book, you can answer for yourself many questions related to design and the activities of designers. This book was first published in 1970 and has long since become a bibliographic rarity. To date, the book has not lost its relevance, and even gained popularity among modern designers. In this work, the commercial side of the design is well presented. The relationship between design and economics is clearly visible. The dependence of design on demand and market is considered. The author notes more than once that design is a part of marketing, an integral part of the commercial market economy of the West. The author uses the appropriate term "nondesign" to refer to this important direction in design.

Understanding the social nature of design is becoming more and more important because design technologies have long been used in all kinds of design tasks. This business involves a lot of people involved in the development of programs and projects, the promotion of finished products, and above all people who constantly find themselves in the role of consumers.

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